Wednesday, May 29

Maybe when we're 80 things will slow down...

You know, one thing I really like about blogging is that you can make all your recent memories stand still with a single blog post.  Cal and I were talking about how if we don't really take time to soak in and enjoy the happy little things around us, life is just going to fly by without really knowing what hit us.  So here is just a pile of recent pictures and memories of things that I don't want to forget...

Cal and I went out to ice cream last weekend with my family.  We joked and laughed and played games all night and it was wonderful.  I love when we're all just goofs! Side note: figured out that sundaes are just not my thing - the plainer the better for this girl! (lol I know it's sad that it took me 20 years to figure this out.)

 Fishing is the must boring/frustrating/rewarding thing one can do.  I enjoy to fish because it reminds me of fishing when I was a little girl with my daddy.  Good times!

Bahaha and Cal makes some pretty accurate (and hilarious!) fishy faces!

A warm and cuddly little max.  Mmmm.

Campfires with my bestie on summer nights. Now that's what I'm talking about.  Also - that is an awful fire.  Paper and logs apparently doesn't really work.  Gasoline? Now were talking...

I love this man more than words could say.  This picture reminds that even when things get tough, or busy, or confusing that I have the most wonderful man for me on this planet.  I am so blessed to have him.

 And here's a little video of us being goofs and showing off our "moves."  I think this one will make me laugh for years! :)

With Love,

Tuesday, May 14


    Well I can finally crawl out from underneath my large pile of assignments, study flashcards, and final projects and make a blog post.  I finished my last final today and it feels wonderful.  All I want to do is create, photograph, spend long hours on the beach drinking on an Arnold Palmer, and do DIY projects galore. Thankfully, I have all summer to do so!

Our last Tuesday Lunch together

Cal will be graduating in a couple of days and it makes me pretty emotional when I start to think about it.  It's been so nice having my best friend, lunch buddy, and one I complain to about my insane professors with right there with me.  He added a smile to the middle of my day, when I'm all stressed out.  BUT! I couldn't be more proud of him!  You're GRADUATING baby!  I couldn't be more happy for you. You are one dedicated little turtle (sorry couldn't think of a better animal), and your hard work sure has paid off.

Other than school, Cal and I have been hanging out in all the in between times. It's been so nice.  We love to dream and talk about the future on nice spring night walks on the canal.

Also... my brother got married!! I am so happy for the both of them! It was such a beautiful wedding - so nice to see family and get down on the dance floor.  If there's one thing you need to know about me and Cal it's that we love to get funky on the dance floor at a wedding! And of course, me and my family LOVED the photo booth!


LOL! Me and Dad! <3


It's been crazy but so so good.  God has been so faithful to both me and Cal.  We've had some relationship and personal things to pray about and work on and God continues to show how faithful He is to us.  So glad that we have his constant and eternal love to be grounded in.  It's so awesome that the closer you grow to God the closer you grow to each other.

Alright well I think I am going to celebrate finishing up this semester with a cheesy Netflix movie! Peace!

With Love,