Wednesday, October 29

Our Wedding Story

I guess the best place to start is the Thursday evening before the wedding, it was 3 am after a crazy fun and even at some times scary Bachelorette Party (all that one should be) and we had all finally decided to get some rest before the crazy weekend began.  After lying there wide awake for what seemed like ages, I decided to do what helps the most when sleep never comes - call Cal.  I went out on our dock over a quiet lake and I remember asking him "You really want to do this?" with a heart filled with anxiety that had been building up for months now.  "More than anything babe, we've finally made it" he told me.  I smiled and we let each other in on tid-bits of each other's party - like how he got food poisoning, and how we got a little too into Single Ladies.

Now I didn't realize it fully until we got to the Honeymoon, but my stomach was in knots (like barely able to keep down food knots) for the entire week before the wedding... and for really no reason.  Things went incredible smooth, especially considering we set up the entire venue in a little over a day.  It blew me away how many loving and thoughtful people we have in our life who selflessly gave up their time to help us out.  I could not thank them enough - our day was made oh so special because of them.

Friday was a bit rough and a tad surreal.  Going on about 2 hours from the night before and a few bites of food, adrenaline is what really brought me through.  Showing up to the Rehearsal Dinner was so strange because for the first time in the whole wedding process I was done planning.  Done!  Not that the nerves were done, of course, no they were still going strong.  It was so nice to see family and friends from out of town and to spend time together.

Then the morning of the wedding finally arrived.  My dad took me out to breakfast at Sam's Diner - our favorite spot. As we sat down and ordered our orange juice, he handed me a letter.  Now I would tell you what's in that letter but it probably wouldn't make too much sense - but I will tell you that that was when the first tears were shed that day, and they were plenty.  I am so thankful that I have such a loving dad with such a sweet heart, who knows how to make time stand still when it should and, although it doesn't happen often, knows how to have a good cry when reflecting back on all the crazy places life has taken us.  We hugged for a while and then both laughed at how short of time it took to get us both to cry and talked out the little details of the wedding to get our minds off the fact that today was the day.

Then the girls, the curling irons, bobby pins, and the mascara all started to arrive.  I was relieved when the photographers arrived because then I could think of shots and angles for them to get my mind off things.  (Always the photographer, never the bride! lol) It was also a blast to be pampered, I'm not going to lie.  I must say that my mom was a rockstar the whole morning (the entire wedding process really) but she was offering coffee and sandwiches and her smiles and gentle reminders made the day go by so smoothly.  Emily and I headed to the venue convincing each other that this was no big deal and that people literally get married every day. Nbd. We got this.

There were several tearful moments in the final hours before the wedding, and my wonderful ladies did everything they could to keep me laughing.  Yes, corny blonde jokes were told.  I love them all oh so much.

Then the moment came.  The processional music started, and my dad ran to grab me an umbrella because a light rain had started.  I laughed because that was literally the last thing on my mind.  I squeezed my dad's arm a little tighter to hold me up from the shaking and also the huge dress.  And then I remember seeing his face.  That face I had seen a million times before, and yet, now for the very first time. We choked through our vows and all I can vividly remember is this surreal nervous feeling I was just in a room with Cal and our Pastor... except EVERYONE we knew was there witnessing it. I had to look around a few times just to make sure.

We kissed (twice, I think) and the party began.  It was so cool to spend time with everyone we love, all in one big tent.  Hours felt like minutes, and I remember the DJ telling me "It's time to cut the cake" and thinking there was no way that it was 7:30 (yes, I had our schedule memorized).  We danced and talked and grabbed a few more photos as the night slipped away and then Cal and I headed to our car.  We said our goodbyes, honked a million times and left... and then I realized I had nothing with me.  I had Cal run back and I guess no one saw him so it was our little secret.. or not :) . Once we were on the road we looked at each other and I said "did that just happen?" Haha man that FLEW by.  How did 12 months of planning turn into 4.56 minutes??

What happened after? Uh oh no, internet, not going there. Not at all.

I guess what I can say after all of it, was that year of planning was one of the most challenging years of my life.  Because it was a year of intense waiting, intense worrying of what the heck it married life is like, and intense planning. It was a lot.  Married life, though different and a bit more difficult than what I thought it was, is so so worth it.  So yes. Do that crazy DIY project for your day even if it takes several late nights, because it's a labor of love, for your day and for your future.  Do go out to coffee after dress shopping with your ladies, because that may be one of the few times you will have them all together. Enjoy it more, and try to let the little things go, because it's not worth having your stomach in knots or getting mad that a little thing isn't just as it should be.  Marriage is a whole different roller coaster, but be sure to ride the one your on.  Even if it does mean you have to throw your arms up and scream ;)

Well that is my version of events.  We'll see if we can get Cal on here to tell his side - wouldn't that be fun?

So yes, we are finally with one more C.
Cathy and Caleb Craft - 07.26.14

With love,