Tuesday, January 15


Orange Marsala Pork with Potato Medley and Balsamic Salad

Confession 1: This is not a recipe or how to post.  ...I wanted it to be.
Confession 2: This is not altogether healthy.  ...I wanted it to be.
Confession 3: .... I've decided that I don't like orange with pork.
Confession 4:  Cal and I had the GREATest time making this mess.

So both Cal and I had the day off from work today and decided that we must do something productive today (though watching Skyfall was great and I don't regret it one bit).

So we decided to make a "Healthy Meal Option" blog post.  That uhh... failed.  But we tried, lemme tallya, we tried.  Here I am trying to conform the pork into healthy submission through the method of intimidation.

Kung Fu PORK!

Wanna pet my pork?

We had a rough moment while cutting the onions.

Captured wonderfully by the wonderful Calvin & Hobbes:

*sizzle, sizzle*  The main reason it's not a healthy blog post!

Mmmm... greens, potatoes, and every spice in the cupboard.

Thanks for sharing dinner with us!

With Love,


  1. For the record, I LOVED the Orange Pork!

  2. Ohh! This look so yummy! I'm inspired!

    1. Oh good! Well Cal apparently thought it was :)
