Our Story

Ah, where to begin... well, at the beginning, I suppose.  Cal and I went to high-school together, but never spoke to each other because we were in different cliques, and we all know how important that was in high-school.  But graduation came for Cal, and the bound was broken.  Through graduation parties and days wasted away with friends, we got to know each other over that long lovely summer.

Over the summer, a deep friendship was made. During the times we spent together, we laughed more than we talked.  It was like we knew each other for years.

I dared him, and he thought it would impress me.... he was right.

     During one October evening in 2009, on a walk through the changing leaves, Cal told me that he liked me.  I was caught by surprise, for all though I had my best memories with this man, I hadn't thought of him in that way. You know what way, the mushy gushy love.  Love that I wasn't too mature about for I thought in a stereotypical way.  You know, that type of love that every chick flick dictates.  I never thought I would date a already good friend.  The idea did grow on me, and well, I wanted a boyfriend.  Shallow, right?  Anyways, things progressed and we became a couple, and everything became immediately different.  I immediately understood why people who are "just friends" don't want to get into a relationship.   For some reason, when two people get in a relationship you are viewed differently, which was hard for both of us.  We did learn to grow closer together and kept sharing wonderful memories together, that I am grateful for.  Unfortunately though, what other people thought took a much bigger role than it should have.  We dated for 10 months, but it became more and more apparent how unready we were for love.  We broke up one winter evening, both sobbing in each others arms, for as much as we knew it had to be done, we didn't want to let go.
   This is a hard story to tell, but don't worry, the best is yet to come. Our stories were quite similar while we were not together. During that time apart, many changes took place in our lives.  I was now out of high-school, he finished up his second year in college.  We both grew up and learned a few things the hard way. We saw each other at graduation and were able to make small talk, but we did not talk as much as we did before. Our lives were headed in different directions and that was okay with us. Without us even realizing, God had a plan for us to get back together, though. We started spending a lot more time together.  We went out to movies together and would make fun of it the entire time (like the Green Lantern... I mean come on, they were asking for it.)  Then we would end up sitting on a bench on Main St. at night talking for hours and hours just catching up and explaining our deepest thoughts and emotions that we really didn't understand ourselves.  I remember that one night cal got a tub of ice cream and texted me "hey, got a tub of ice cream, wanna join?" Absolutely!  We sat by the canal that night with two spoons starting where we left off with our last conversation.  I think it was during those nights when I started to understand real love.
      Cal and I went to the beach one day with subs (I'm now realizing that he tempts me with food... haha), and were having a wonderful time.  I remember throwing his change out of the car because it drove him crazy, and I thought it was hilarious (which it was).  We then talked about us, or the possibility of us again.  At this point I knew I was ready.  Because although it would be harder, I didn't care what everyone else thought, for I knew this was the man I couldn't live without.

He's on guitar, I got the drums.

   And every day of my life I am reminded of that.  He's the one I call when I can't sleep late at night.  He's the one laughed over the stupidest things with.  He's the one I analyze things with.  He's my study buddy, my coach, my best friend, my love.  I know without a doubt that God meant for us to have this second chance to find each other again.  And that's what makes it easier for both of us, to wait and have our eyes set on marriage.
     All I have to say is thank God for second chances.  Life has, and never will be the same without him.  And every time we go to the beach I throw a little change out as a little thankful reminder and, well, to drive him a little more crazy. ;)


  1. I love you guys :) and I can't wait for your wedding.

    1. Thanks Andy! We definitely feel the same! :)
