Tuesday, April 30

DIY Family Map Sign!

  So my immediate family lives all around the country, and Cal came up with this wonderful idea to show the closeness of family is not measured in miles (hey.. that should be added to the sign!).  So anyways, he got the states and the sign, and I, well, made it pretty. Here's a few tips so you can do this on your own!  I must say it's a great conversational piece, because you get to talk about your family or those close to you.

  • Don't have a map of the US that you're willing to cut up? Neither did we! Check out THIS website, with individual maps of each state!
  • For the paper I just used scrapbook paper, that is found at Micheals. Other material you could use: newspaper, brown bag or paper, or black paper with a white paint pen to give it that "chalkboard" feel.

  • I also put the number of miles and the amount of time to get to each place, just to keep it interesting
  • The quote: "Family like branches on a tree we may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one"
 This was all put in a 16x24 frame.  Hope you enjoyed this little project - would love to know any of your ideas or interpretations!

With Love,

Wednesday, April 17

Love happens

This is Cath and I a few days before our "1 year anniversary of dating". 

 What you don't see behind this pic is the story I'm gonna write today. Anniversaries can be a difficult time for the guy. There are so many pressures to deliver a special, romantic, sometimes original, sometimes traditional gift to your loved one. Sometimes you can get absorbed in the pressure and miss out on the purpose of the celebration.
I went through that last year. Some people would say that one year of dating is'nt that big of a deal, but for us, it's different. After knowing cath for so long, 1 yr of dating doesn't make sense, because it feels like we've been together much longer than that. What I mean is that I felt like I knew everything about her. So, I really wanted to make something special for her on our 1 year anniversary. I don't really remember what I got for her, but I do remember making this foot long card out of construction paper that I thought was the greatest expression of my love that I could create. What I wrote was what got her attention, not  the blue and yellow construction paper with a pretty rough anchor drawn on it. I guess my elementary education in Arts and Crafts is'nt enough to get by anymore. With time flying by so fast, we sort of overestimated when our 1 year anniversary was. We jumped the gun and celebrated it a month early on accident, but at least we were both on the same page.

Here's a pic of us from last month:

Now we try to celebrate our love anytime we can. I don't think it ever helps to put so much pressure on one day to show your unconditional love for one person on just one day. What happens is blue and yellow construction paper cards that don't do your love for her justice.

This is a print that Cath made out of my card, complete with very emotional language. She knows how to make anything look good.

 Caleb Craft

Monday, April 15

Proverbs 4

Guard your heart above all else, For it determines the course of your life.

  -Proverbs 4:23

     Last weekend Cal and I went to a Basic Conference, which was full of good teaching and worship.  The conference focused on dating, singleness, and relationships.  We we're both pumped, for we needed some encouragement and just some solid Biblical views on relationships.  Let me tell you, we weren't disappointed!  Something that has helped and encouraged me recently is Proverbs 4.  Seriously, this stuff is great.  Not only does it push you, like 4:13 - "Take hold of my instructions; don't let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life." it will offer great encouragement, like 4:12 - "When you walk, you won't be held back; when you run, you won't stumble." And Proverbs 4:23, the scripture above, really hit home.  Your heart determines where your feet go.

    This chapter is such a refreshing encouragement to me, and I hope it may be to you as well.  Hope you are having a great week! 

~Read Proverbs 4~

My two lovelies and I, enjoying our weekend in Rochester!

With Love,