Thursday, February 28


Some of my recent photography dabbing into new perspectives and different portraiture.

With Love,

Tuesday, February 26

Thinking About Going Short?

Someone mentions you'd look cute with short hair.  You then start to see images and people who can pull off short hair really well.  You consider it.  Immediately put it down.  Then you start to think about how healthy your hair would be... and how it'd be a fun, fresh new look... and then next thing you know your in the salon with scissors chopping away at your locks.

But wait! It doesn't have to be this way!  Here's some things to consider before going to the hair dresser so that you can be sure that you are making the right choice for you and your lifestyle.

As you probably have seen, I have cut probably a good 6 inches off my hair.  I love this new look, but it does have it's challenges!

Things to think about:

Time.  Just throwing your hair up when you're late isn't a possibility anymore.  Make sure you have 10-20 mins to blow dry and straighten/curl your hair each morning.  It is less drying time, however, because it's less hair. So if you normally dry your hair in the morning this may be a good thing!

Hair Styles.  After a week you start to realize your hair isn't as versatile as you thought.  But this may be because you can't style it as you would long hair.  However, there are many different looks you can do with short hair, you just may have to think outside of the box a little bit.  I might make a post about some short hair styles that I have been trying soon.

Shock.  Especially if you went from long hair to short, there may be a shock at first.  I remember washing my hair for the first time and thinking "where did all my hair go?!" But don't worry, this will go away quickly.

Reactions.  As much as it's a shock to you, it's a shock to those around you. Be prepared for others reactions, and dozens of questions like "what made you do it?" or "does it feel sooo weird to have short hair?"  Some of them get weird, but take em all with a smile, because some people just weren't expecting it. And expect a lot of compliments too!

Mom/Politician Hair.  So as soon as I got my hair cut short I started to notice that the majority of those who had short hair were 50+.  This was rather terrifying.  But don't worry! You just have to consciously make sure you don't have slightly wavy hair with big bangs in the front (which I think that's what my "after" picture looks like, but that's what the stylist did).  Also people really aren't thinking that, but make sure you don't give them a reason too!
Check it with your Special Someone.  You are free to do what you want with your hair. This is America people.  But make sure to check in with those close to you before you do something drastic.  It can actually be quite fun picking out reference images together and bouncing ideas off each other for your new look.

Reference Images.  Make sure to do your homework before you show up to the salon.  Find some images with people with a similar face shape as you and the same type of hair (curly, wavy, straight) as you.  Make sure to talk these looks over with your stylist because your stylist knows what looks good and what doesn't.

Hair Type.  Think about how your hair will react when cut short.  If you have curly hair, will it get even curlier because you have less hair to weigh it down? Will it friz out into a fro?  Will it look too thin? In order to find some answers, talk to some people with your type of hair and their experiences with short hair.

It will always grow out.  This is a saying that I generally hate because it means you're not happy the way your hair is now.  But think about it: your hair will grow to different lengths, with many different ways to style them at the different stages. 

Have fun with it!  Having short hair shows that you can be fun, spontaneous, and flirty! So enjoy this new look and wear it with your head held high, because you can confidently know that you fully thought this thing through!

Oh, lastly- bring a friend! It a SO much more enjoyable experience that way!  Here's my lovely friend Grace who decided to try a pixie cut - which looks so cute!

Have you been thinking about going short? Any other questions/concerns? Would love to help!

With Love,

Monday, February 25


So even though I go to school for art, I keep finding myself randomly and somewhat impulsively having artistic outbursts - or, artbursts.  They don't always happen at the best time (like when a topic proposal or something like that is due), but I find that I can focus better if I can utilize my creativity rather than pining things on pinterest all night anyways.

So here's what I've been up to the past week:

Here's just some sketches

and here is a maxi skirt that I randomly decided to sew one night. I'm not kidding when I say outbursts! It really wasn't too difficult, but I decided not to do a tuturial because I am just plain awful at sewing, even though this is just basically a rectangle, haha.  But you can use this easy tuturial that I looked at but foolishly thought I knew better followed here!

 Lastly, I did this watercolor, which I am quite happy with.  I am starting to find how much I enjoy watercolors.  They seem like a simple medium, but can produce an organic but soft affect with your art.  Oh my word can you tell I was in a 2 hour long art critique today or what?!

Anyways, here's a little view into my life and how I create.  Hope you enjoyed my artbursts :)

So, is that how it is for you?  Or do you "de-stress" other ways? Would love to know!

 May you have a lovely week, filled exciting and new outbursts.

With Love,

Sunday, February 24

Valentine's Weekend

So Cal and I got to spend a WHOLE Saturday together last weekend - it was a blast!  We of course had to plan a fun day, because we are hardcore planners.  Like seriously, I have like 5 calendars filling things down 6 months in advance... Anyways, we went and got a bunch of men's white T's and got teal, purple, and green dye and tie and dyed till we turned blue - literally!

We then made some supper that was SO good! It was just ravioli (cal calls them pillows, haha) and some broccoli but oh so yummy.

Oh and let me not forget to tell about our little gifts to each other.  I made us a "to go" box filled with "personal" would you rather cards and other games, to have in the car with us for when we travel.  And then Cal got me a silver heart necklace (which I've barely taken off since!) and a "Our First Home Video" with all our special recordings we've had of us together with all our favorite songs!! Oh my word I cried and laughed.. I've never been given something so so sweet.  I love these special and so sweet gestures he does to show much how he cares about me.  I have never shared such a deep special with anyone else and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So thanks, Love, for the best V-day so far!!

With Love,

Monday, February 11

More Free Valentine Prints!

Here's a few more to tell your special someone how you love them!

If you happen to be broke college kids like Cal and I, I thought that this was cute and fitting.

These are my designs and I give you permission to use them!  Just left click and save file, for that is my best method as of now.

Also, I would LOVE to know your thoughts on them and if/how you used them!

Have a wonderful week and don't forget to tell your loved ones how much you hold them dear to your heart.

With Love,

Saturday, February 2

Public Market

Cal and I headed out in this 20 something degree weather to go to one of our favorite things in Rochester - the Public Market!

Cal got in his I-will-get-those-strawberries-resonably-priced-if-it's-the-last-thing-I-do mode.

Aaand I just really like bagels.

And cream cheese. Oh boy.

Love this guy!

Public marketing it up!

I just love building art.

Otherwise Cal and I have been really busy with the first week of school.  Just hope that stats doesn't kick my butt.  It's cal's last semester which calls for some pretty hefty classes.  But we got this!

With Love,