Saturday, December 29

Interior Inspirations: The Simple Life

Cal told me the other day that he would like everything in our future home to have a story.  It may sound crazy, but I agree with him.  What's the point in filling up your space with useless clutter? I want our house to be a place for our art, the things on the walls to remind us of places we've been, and the living room table to tell a story, even if it just is that it took us weeks to hunt that cheap thing down.  I like the idea of the simple life, where the clutter doesn't get in our way to let us live our lives.  A good professor I had told me that if you care about the things you surround yourself with and put quality in to making them (like your home, in this case) then not only do you respect yourself, you also create better things.

A nice light beige with the white gives this a nice clean but rustic feel.

All one nice clean color.  I like the idea of displaying your pots, also.  

With Love,


  1. That IS a good idea, because then you have stories to share when people say, "Ooo, I like this!"
    Simplicity has been on my mind a lot too, I also dislike clutter. I'd rather have tons of storage space, with small living areas that lack clutter.

  2. Last night I saw a seashell candle in my room, remembered I got in at Salvation Army, and thought, "Oh that's a great story *sarcasm*. 'I got it at Salvation Army.'" Haha =P
