Monday, January 21

DIY Paper Lantern Chandelier

This is a super cheap way to spice up a space! This does take some time, so I'd suggest you put on a show for it doesn't take that much brain power.

What You'll Need:
  • An old book you don't mind cutting up
  • Masking tape
  • Xacto knife
  • Ruler
  • Paper Lantern (sold at the dollar store)
  • Electric candle (optional)
  • Fishing wire
  • Paper Clip
How To:
 1.  Cut out long triangular strips from the book pages.  You will need a LOT of these, so stack the pages while cutting!

Here's what they will look like.

2.  Take a little strip of making tape and apply it to the paper.

3.  Then apply it to the lantern.  Place a few at the bottom with about an inch in between each other

4.  Then as you get up farther, place them adjacent to each other.

5.  Leave a row in between your rows as you make your way up.

 6.  Like I said, it will take a while, but you got it!  Once you are at the top, tie on the fishing wire and the electric candle and the paper clip at the top so it can hang!


With Love,


  1. Cute nails!
    That poor book! =( =P (I'm a bibliophile. lol)

    1. Thanks! I love my sparkles :)
      Some people we're going to get rid of them so I think this is a much better reuse! You could use old newspapers and magazines also :)
